GCC and PCs are connected in the configuration shown in the figure. SSH connection is available on each PC.
In addition, when accessing GCC from a laptop PC (Windows 10) or VirtualBox (Ubuntu 20.04) with Google Chrome at IP address, "Motorcortex Generic App" and "Motorcortex Robot App" can be confirmed.
When I run the "Robot C++ API" sample program "movej_test" from VirtualBox (Ubuntu) in the same environment, the following error occurs.
How can I resolve this error and run movej_test?
【Error Description】
$ ./movej_test
Motorcortex Robot Control library version: 0.0.1-unknown-g0000000_release
Status code: 65280
Error code: 9
Error description: Not supported
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): REQ failed to connect to the server: wss://
Aborted (core dumped)