Yesterday I had no problems connecting to the controller via ssh but today I am unable to do it. I get the next error: " ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused" and I did the solution you have on the documentation about ssh troubleshooting but nothing. I tried some other solutions but nothing helped. The ping is working perfectly.

Any idea on how to solve that?


Can you explain the situation
Are you trying to connect via wired connection or via WiFi?
If you connect via wired connection, make sure you network adapter does not have the same IP address as your controller.

In case your network adapter is set to, you ping to your network adapter and not to the controller.

    philippeH I am trying to connect via wired connection, the same way it is explained in the documentation and the same way I did yesterday. The network adapter is set to as explained in the documentation.

    I was able to solve the problem, but now I got stuck with the web certificate, I install it the same way it is explained in the documentation but when searching the IP on Google I get the message "Your connection is not private". I checked and the certificate is correctly added to the list of Authorities. What I've seen is that the certificate is valid from 2021 to 2042 and the Motorcortex OS is on 2020, could be this a problem? I tried to change the date but it says I have no sufficient permissions.



      Ok that is because of this Motorcortex OS is on 2020

      I tried to change the date but it says I have no sufficient permissions did you use the sudo command?

      Now it worked! The problem is that I was using a command I found on the internet and not the one you sent me in the link above.


      12 days later
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